Zion Hostel cleaners of the university of jos has embarked on an indefinite strike action on Friday November 2023. This action took all Zion hostel occupant by surprise as the dirty compound was left at the mercy of the students. Speaking with the chief matron in charge of Zion hostel who pleaded anonymity , she said the reason for this strike action is due to lack of payment of the cleaners.She added that the school management are responsible for their payment. According to her "I can't tell when exactly the strike will be called off but the management are putting all in place to ensure the strike is called off, we hope it ends soon and the workers return to their post". She further advised that the students should cooperate by coming out to clean their environment pending when the strike will be called off. " we are all girls we should be doing what we know how to do and what we do at home" She ended by commending the effort of the girls who came out on Sat...